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The File plugin in 365 business Proxy Application provides full access to the local file system, as well as available network drives or UNC paths.

The File plugin is one of the standard plugins of 365 business Proxy Application and can be installed directly via the Proxy Application Clients page.


Call up file list (ListFiles)

files: Record "bdev.PRX File Item" temporary := ListFiles([clientId: Guid,] filePath: Text [,fileFilter: Text])
ListFiles(var files: Record "bdev.PRX File Item" temporary, [clientId: Guid,] filePath: Text [,fileFilter: Text])



Returns the temporary table bdev.PRX File Item, which represents the file list.

Check if file exists (FileExists)

fileExists: Boolean := FileExists([clientId: Guid,] filePath: Text)



Returns true if the file exists.

Read file (GetFile)

file: Codeunit "Temp Blob" := GetFile([clientId: Guid,] filePath: Text)



Returns Codeunit "Temp Blob" with the content of the file.

Write file (PostFile)

success: Boolean := PostFile([clientId: Guid,] filePath: Text, file: Codeunit "Temp Blob")



Returns true if the file was written successfully.

Delete file (DeleteFile)

success: Boolean := DeleteFile([clientId: Guid,] filePath: Text)



Returns true if the file was successfully deleted.

Move file (MoveFile)

success: Boolean := MoveFile([clientId: Guid,] fromFilePath: Text, toFilePath: Text [, overwrite: Boolean])



Returns true if the file was successfully moved.

Copy file (CopyFile)

success: Boolean := CopyFile([clientId: Guid,] fromFilePath: Text, toFilePath: Text [, overwrite: Boolean])



Returns true if the file was copied successfully.

Rename file (RenameFile)

success: Boolean := RenameFile([clientId: Guid,] filePath: Text, newFilePath: Text)



Returns true if the file has been successfully renamed.

Check if directory exists (DirectoryExists)

success: Boolean := DirectoryExists([clientId: Guid,] directoryPath: Text)



Returns true if the directory exists.

Create directory (CreateDirectory)

success: Boolean := CreateDirectory([clientId: Guid,] directoryPath: Text)



Returns true if the directory has been created.

Delete directory (DeleteDirectory)

success: Boolean := DeleteDirectory([clientId: Guid,] directoryPath: Text [, recursive: Boolean])



Returns true if the directory has been deleted.

Move directory (MoveDirectory)

success: Boolean := MoveDirectory([clientId: Guid,] fromDirectoryPath: Text, toDirectoryPath: Text)



Returns true if the directory has been moved.

Copy directory (CopyDirectory)

success: Boolean := CopyDirectory([clientId: Guid,] fromDirectoryPath: Text, toDirectoryPath: Text)



Returns true if the directory has been copied.